Chuck Jurcek – Wisconsin Leadership

Chuck was raised as a Catholic. For years he struggled to understand what they were trying to teach him. He believed there was a God but had no idea that a relationship with God was possible. He wanted it and needed it, but was never taught how to have it.

As time went on, Chuck lived a Godless life. He would go to church to make others happy and watch the clock the whole time. Chuck was an excessive drinker from the beginning and even though he was blessed with a wonderful wife and two great kids, he always had that something is missing big time in his life feeling. His drinking got worse as years went by and he was drinking every day.

Just before Chuck’s son Derek turned 20, Derek got together with some friends at a party and they took methadone. Derek was on a prescription from his doctor and the two drugs interacted and he died that night. His family was devastated and began to fall apart. Chuck blamed himself for not being a better father and was so lost and grief stricken he was drinking all day long. About a year and a half after his death, Chuck was suicidal. The night he was going to kill myself, Chuck had his first sincere talk with God. Chuck told God he was done. He couldn’t stop drinking and said “if You can fix this train wreck, I will worship You forever”. Chuck blacked out and woke up the next morning and has had a drop of alcohol since. Derek has been gone 15 years and Chuck has been sober 13 ½ years.

There is a lot more to the story, but what happened that night changed Chuck’s life. He became a follower of Jesus Christ his Savior and have that relationship he spent a lifetime seeking. His good friends Bill Casey and Don Reid introduced Chuck to the Misfits for Jesus Ministry and once again God put him in a ministry with some of the most amazing loving, Godly people he has ever met. And being a misfit himself, this was perfect.

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